Recent development in Cyberday

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small improvement
August 27, 2021

Easier navigation between reports and content editing

For example, when you view the "Records of processing activities" report and notice a gap in the data for e.g. a databank, you can now easily jump to the data card to make edits, and then use the Back-button to jump back to the report. The user is automatically scrolled to the same location in the report, which helps the switching between long reports and the data cards.

small improvement
August 27, 2021

System ID added as an optional field to Data systems

For data systems, "system ID" can now be activated as an additional field along with previously added "system nickname". System ID and nickname are displayed after the "official name" in the administrator views and tables, but not in reports taken out of Cyberday.

Example: Student management system (Wilma, 12511621)

small improvement
August 20, 2021

Improved "All tasks" -view

From the All Tasks view, you can now see e.g. the connections of tasks to the requirements of the different frameworks. This allows you to e.g. identify tasks that increase compliance across multiple frameworks and otherwise communicate the importance of tasks to the rest of the team.

We also brought in quick links through which you can quickly see the so-called problematic tasks that are either overdue or awaiting review from the task owner.

small improvement
August 13, 2021

Add multiple documentation items at once

In certain documentation lists, you can now create a large list of items at once with the names you want by using the "Add many at once" -option.

small improvement
August 13, 2021

Better filtering on visual reports

Visual reports can now also be viewed from the perspective of a single action process. Useful especially if there is a lot of content.

More developments and new versions of visual reports are coming in the coming months.

small improvement
August 13, 2021

Improved "Theme summary" -view

We highlighted tasks better on prioritized order on the front page of a theme (e.g. System management).

The right column now also shows better info about the documentation amount and statuses and guideline "readiness levels".

small improvement
June 11, 2021

Clearer data presentation on documentation cards

We made some changes using a clearer layout, familiar form styles, and slightly larger fonts to make the Cyberday documentation card look familiar even to those users who visit the service only occasionally to update a specific item they own.

Only visual changes have been made to the card. The user experience is otherwise unchanged.

small improvement
June 11, 2021

New language versions available - translation testers sought

Currently Cyberday also works in German and more languages are coming along soon. Language versions will initially be included with a beta mode, through which interested active users can report and correct unclear / incorrect translations.

Contact us directly through Cyberday if you would like to contribute to the improvement of a translation. We will reward you for your effort. 🙂

new feature
August 13, 2021

Guidebook expanded with case examples and skill tests

We published improvements to employee cyber awareness features, which are reflected as expansions to the Guidebook view:

  • There are "case examples" available for each guideline that describe real-life situations that have occurred as a result of non-compliance with the guidelines
  • Case examples must be read before accepting the actual guideline, if you enable them from organisation settings
  • After reading the guidelines for one theme (e.g. Remote work and mobile devices), the employee can be asked to take a short skill test
  • The skill test means a few (3-8) multiple-choice questions related to the guidelines in the theme
  • From the organization dashboard admins can see these guidelines-related contents on the guideline card

These features will be optional, i.e. you can enable them yourself if you want in Organization Dashboard -> Settings -> Employee training in Guidebook. The new features do not automatically jump on, but by default the Guidebook still works in a straightforward way for accepting the instructions.

new feature
May 14, 2021

We will start creating examples of "process descriptions" for tasks

The purpose of the example description is to give a more precise idea of how a task could be implemented in the operation of one's own organization.

You can easily copy the example as a basis for your own description and make refinements from the perspective of your own action after that.

small improvement
May 14, 2021

Swedish available as a language in Cyberday

Cyberday now works in Swedish. This means for us:

  • all reporting is also possible in Swedish (including accounts with a different main language)
  • an individual user can use Swedish as a working language (if it is more natural for him, even if the other account works in another main language)
  • Swedish is available as account's main language (e.g. new users are invited by default in this language)
new feature
May 7, 2021

Clearer structure and filtering for Tiedonhallintamalli-report

Our aim was e.g. to use space on reports more clearly and efficiently, as especially many information management reports can often become very lengthy. At the same time, we enabled the content of the "Tiedonhallintamalli" to be filtered, i.e. the model can only be applied to the desired service areas or operational processes, for example.

new feature
April 30, 2021

Navigation and menu structure improved

The account of an active Cyberday organisation will include plenty of content, and sometimes it can be confusing to navigate between differen linked elements.  

We now made an effort to help users keep track of where we are going at any given time. The left menu now responds better to which theme (e.g. data system management) or which requirements framework (e.g. ISO 27001 Core) the navigation has originally started from. The menu shows more content than before, but at the same time always clearly emphasizes the theme under which and in which list we are at any given time.

new feature
April 23, 2021

New Task-card design

New task card separates the requirements and the actual execution of the task more clearly.

When the task is still pending, the requirement tab is shown along with the button to "Activate" this task on your account. When it's time to start executing the task, the "Assurance" tab is shown by default.

small improvement
April 23, 2021

Small updates to Dashboard

Cyberday dashboard now presents on theme cards also the number of active tasks. Now the dashboard cards are arranged according to the full task amount on theme, not just pending tasks. This way the cards will less often change their order and navigation will be easier.